😓 I know how to cut people off on the internet and stuff pretty well because it’s the internet. But lately I have this one coworker friend that I’ve been friends with for almost 2 half years now but they’ve been showing me red flags for awhile now and I’ve been wanting to cut them off / ghost them. I’ve been like giving them signs of ” I don’t want to talk to you” ” I don’t want to hang out with you” I’m just scared that if I try ghosting them they’ll come to my house because they know where I live / we don’t live to far from each other. They’ve made me uncomfortable on several occasions and have said rude things to me just completely disrespecting me and I think they said those things because they know I’m an introvert and that I don’t really speak up for myself so they take advantage of that. There was one incident where I went to visit that friend after I got off work and they work at the bar so I wanted to wait until they got off. Long story short I was only a little bit drunk and they pretty much said to me don’t act a fool at my work place (I’ve never once acted out while I was drunk) and they continued to put me down for no reason ~) the very next day I expressed how upset I was towards them and it was the only time they actually apologized so I didn’t accept their apology ( did not say that to them just left it at their apology and said nothing) so now I am very uncomfortable with that person but they keep bothering me to hang out again and I keep dry texting them hoping they’d get the hint that I don’t want to hang out with them anymore dose that make me an asshole for trying now set boundaries for myself and not take any shit from people? I’m not sure how to deal with this situation so I’m coming here to seek advice 😓.

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