It turns out, makeup, of all things, is identified as the leading cause of cancer. Your doctor has clearly identified you will lose your life and potentially impact the genetic code of any offspring should you use it even once more. How is your life different from now?

  1. It isn’t. I’m not having children, I don’t choose or abstain from things because of the risk of cancer, and if I’m already dying what does it matter? I’d keep using makeup, keep going out freely, and keep enjoying whatever I had left of my life.

  2. I already have multiple chronic illnesses that will likely shorten my life. Might as well go out covered in glitter, wearing a bold lip, and a smoking eye look.

  3. Not having kids, dont care to get old. I rarely wear it now, I’d probably start wearing it more tbh. Speed up the process.

  4. My children are already born, so no problem there. I don’t wear makeup very often. My lips might be chapped and I’d have to switch to lanolin or beeswax or something full time.

  5. I’m bipolar there’s already a 10% chance I give any kid I have that and a 25%+ I kill myself so.

    This sounds like small potatoes. I’ll keep wearing makeup the way I want (which tbf isnt much)

  6. I rarely use make up and even when I do it’s minimal so I can definitely live without it.

  7. I’d easily give it up. Now if it was coffee, chocolate and wine, you’d have to pry that out of my cold dead hands.

  8. Not a big deal. I’ll stop wearing the minimal makeup it takes me less than two minutes to put on daily.

  9. I would be sad and conflicted. Tough to decide between a better quality of life with a shorter lifespan, and a less happy life that is longer.

    (Wearing makeup significantly improves my mood and self-image, as it’s an artistic medium, a self-care ritual, and a form of self-expression/self-presentation.)

  10. I’d be pretty sad. Makeup is a hobby that I’ve invested time and money in. I’d ask about any close mediums I could pivot to or not and try to find another hobby to fill the void.

  11. I’d stop using makeup but I’d probably go through a very depressed period because I love makeup so much.

  12. Now every woman looks like me, a butch lesbian. I will start giving the butch (d*ke) nod to random straight women. Actual lesbians will have to wear rainbow crap 24/7 to designate ourselves. I will develop a line of hypoallergenic rainbow jewelry and become a zillionaire.

  13. Well… plastic surgery and tattooed make up looks are probably a lot more common?

    Not much changes for me, personally. Most days all I do is some eyeliner and lip gloss so I guess I’m just living that bare face life. Time to see if all the people claiming they like me with no make up more really mean it.

  14. Oh, are you talking about the makeup that has sat on my counter the last decade, untouched, unused? Thank you for reminding me to throw it in the trash.

  15. Too late, my offspring are already affected. And I hardly ever wear it at all anymore anyway, so yeah, very little difference

  16. None. I don’t wear or own makeup.

    If only this news came out when I was a teenager, It’d mean I’d have a very strong response for when my Mum pestered me to wear it.

  17. Don’t have or want kids so that’s not part of the equation for me. The world is drowning in chemicals and the ramifications of the excesses of humanity. I already drink too much and indulge in delicious food, among other vices. I’m not wealthy enough to ensure my elderly years will be comfortable, let alone fun. But I can live right now, and enjoy the life I have. So tomorrow I’ll put on some eyeshadow just for fun. Quality over quantity in this case.

  18. Not much different, I rarely wear it. Now, if you said skin care or moisturizer, I’d cry. But, makeup? Yea, they can take that I’d be fine.

  19. I don’t wear makeup, so my daily life wouldn’t really change. But I’d think that’s pretty messed up that makeup companies would be allowed to sell something that dangerous.

  20. That would be pretty hard for me. But I think I’d get my lips and cheek blushed, get micro needling and regular facials to keep my skin looking good, and I’d get very natural tattooed eyeliner and a natural set of false lashes

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