What do you do to raise your self esteem on a bad day?

  1. Play something I can’t fail at. Something sandbox like Sims or easy like Pokemon. Really helps reset that “I suck” vibe.

  2. I write something. Even if it’s just a stupid little 30-second song or skit for TikTok, it really helps me to be able to look at it and say “Nice! I made something! And thirty people liked it!”

  3. Hit the gym and FINISH a hard workout you didn’t feel like doing. Always makes me feel good and stand tall for the day.

  4. Exercise is a big one for me. If I am being sluggish and lazy all day my attitude and self esteem will match. Plus the vigor of the workout will release a lot of stress I’m holding on to.

    Meditation also helps if my self esteem is anxiety driven, or from ruminating on negative thoughts. It gives my brain a chance to chill out for second so I can think about things rationally and not spiral to more depressing thoughts.

    Finally, you need to learn how to love yourself. That’s what self esteem is at the end of the day. How would you show your love to a partner? Or maybe it’s closer to a love you feel for your own child. You can write down in a journal what you like about yourself, what characteristics in your personality do you have pride for? Maybe you show love through cooking. Make a (or buy if that works) a treat for yourself that you love! Maybe you need words of encouragement, look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you got this!

  5. I have high self esteem, even on a bad day. My bad days usually come from having to deal with stupid people. I hit the gym to let out the frustration.

  6. Drop my lesson plan and tell my students a story out of history. I’m *really* good at telling it in a way that holds a 13-year-old’s attention, and it feels good to “perform.”

  7. It starts on good days when I remind my high bullet mind I’m just riding the high so when bad days come through I can acknowledge I’m just riding a low. Prolly the best thing I’ve ever done for myself.

  8. It starts on good days when I remind my high bullet mind I’m just riding the high so when bad days come through I can acknowledge I’m just riding a low. Prolly the best thing I’ve ever done for myself.

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