Me and this guy have known each other for a while now. We never really spoke but we had many mutuals and at one point, we had went to the same school. Until one day, he transferred to my school and had started texting me after he seen me. We have been talking for a while and had came to the agreement we were going to be in a “talking stage” before jumping into dating.

We been talking for a month and he was being inconsistent and never took me out on a date. I had stopped putting in energy and ended up going no contact with him because we had a argument and he left all my messages on read.

Two months went by and he broke no contact and texted me the week of my birthday. He said that he didn’t like how things ended and wanted to try again. I decided to see things out and give him a second chance but this time here are some things he would do:

-Even though he viewed and liked my story the day of my birthday, he texted me the day after saying he was busy

-Asked me out on dates and never took me

-Would ask me to come to his basketball games and I would go but he never said hey to me at the games

– Would he consistent then stop on and off

It got to a point where I started reciprocating that energy and would leave him on delivered or barely put in effort into talking to him. By this time, it got to a point where he would ask my friends how i was doing instead of going out of his way to try and ask me.

After a while, i left him on read and stopped texting him back because i was completely over it. From this point, he started asking my friend to tell me to text him back or he would even dm her to tell me the same thing. One day we had a argument and went no contact for 3 months.

However, after those 3 months i broke contact this time after my friend had mentioned to me that he has talked about me or brought me up quite a few times. This time he apologized and took responsibility for what he said and did. And because If that, i decided to give him a chance because i thought he matured but after a while he became inconsistent once again and we had stopped talking since.

I just want to know was I being dumb and gave him too many chances? Or was he just immature and i was trying my best to have a relationship with him and i clearly couldn’t see it wasn’t going to go anywhere?

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