i recently met someone who constantly asks for reassurance and clarity in things, which is fine, but does it so often it’s started coming off as annoying. i don’t want to be like that and end up pushing them away.

for context most of my friends are still in high school and don’t drive or have a lot of money. they’re also not ones to initiate plans, even with each other/other friends. it feels annoying to constantly ask to hang out. rn me and my close friends hang out an average of once a month both in groups and one on one. we often text all day memes and dumb snaps or stories about our days. how do i increase how many times we hang out without sounding needy? ofc we don’t do things that require money unless im paying, but is it weird to ask to go over to someone’s house?

i don’t understand these unspoken rules of friendship! ToT

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