Like the title says, my girlfriend is currently in her hometown for a one week vacation. (I paid for the tickets as she can’t afford them atm). She has had a friend for 4-5 years which she considers close, who has confessed his love to her multiple times, although she has rejected him. She said this friend would be picking her up at the airport in their home town, which I was fine with. (Safer than a cab).

However, she sent me a picture a couple of hours ago of 4-5 shot glasses and the guy next to her, and she hasn’t responded for the past couple of hours. She also uploaded a picture where there are more people there, but I assume they got there recently as the picture before was clearly just the two of them drinking together.

Anyways, this bugs me because she has always told me I am not “allowed” to even have lunch with my female friends and I have respected that, and yet she gets to do this? Also, she literally said 12 hours ago she didn’t want to go out to drink with me because “alcohol is poison” and then she’s doing shots?

I guess my question here is: Am I being overly jealous and paranoid? Am I right to be worried and mad? And if so, what is the best course of action? She still has 6 days left and i’m not sure how to deal with the remainder of the vacation if this happened ON THE FIRST DAY.

Anyways, thanks for any help!

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