I’ve talked to this girl for about 3 months, she’s pretty much perfect and before we were best friends, I didn’t really notice til a month in her vagina smells like crab/fish. I don’t know how to tell her bc I don’t want to ruin anything or our friendship. I really need help, she wants to ride my face and I don’t want to be smothered in that smell and I’m not sure how she isn’t aware of the smell bc it is very strong after having sex, like very strong

Some info about her that could possibly affect or not affect the smell

She smokes weed every day, drinks 1-2 days a week and just got on birth control, she doesn’t really exercise but she is average or under average weight, she drinks a lot of water, and eats pretty healthy

A lot of people say “wash her” “shower with her” she’s very clean so I know it’s not that

Any suggestions PLEASE let me know

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