Women of Reddit, what is something you are struggling to get over?

  1. I had a couple close friendships that didn’t last, and I’ve realized recently that I never really grieved those friendships and got over it. It feels silly because some of those friendships drifting apart happened years ago, but I guess it’s better late than never in terms of dealing with it.

  2. Miscarriages. It’s been years but with no live births yet it’s still something that I think about daily. I don’t know that I’ll ever actually get over it

  3. My bipolar!

    It’s well managed atm, but will always be something i struggle with.

  4. That I let a guy 9 years older than me manipulate me (I was 22 then). My self esteem was already low & amazingly it became even lower with him. He really toyed with my feelings and it’s humiliating looking back on it. I can’t even blame it on being a teen or something.

  5. Why my hair doesn’t grow (extremely curly) even though I comb it softly, use conditioner and oils… it just hasn’t moved in years.

  6. Had a pregnancy scare with the potential of having baby number 5 back in 2008-2009. Now that my youngest is away at college I keep thinking about this what-if baby that would be around 15 or so now. I guess in three years I’ll be over it.

  7. I struggle with feeling second best in dating. I started dating someone new recently and while it’s going well, I don’t have much experience under my belt and I’ve never had a long-term relationship. Whereas it sounds as though my partner has. I just feel insecure that I’ve never really experienced young love, or had a long-term relationship, and I feel like I’m replaceable and second best to other women who’ve had better, earlier and richer romantic histories than me.

    I don’t know how to cope with it. It’s a bit stupid because my new relationship is fine and developing healthily. Yet I still feel insecure about my past.

  8. I fell in love with somebody who is very similar to me which felt awesome at first and then eventually I realized how incompatible we were but I still love that person so it’s really painful. Being with them is painful, being without them is painful and I really wish I never did it to myself but you can’t unring a bell so here I am just smoking and staring into the distance like fuckkkkkk

  9. Im pregnant at the moment and my ex cheated on me with his ex girl… i cant believe it

  10. a 6-month long situationship with someone who wasnt ready for a relationship. what sucked was that i wasn’t looking for him, he slid into my DMs having intentions of being more than friends but at the same time was also not ready for something serious.

    had we only remained at friends and he had not heavily flirted and sell me the idea of us together, i would gladly become friends with him. it’s hard to find people who think at the same wavelength and even harder to let them go despite the red flags

  11. Wondering if my romantic relationships with men will ever be as fulfilling as my platonic relationships with women. I feel like romance is a tolerable level of unhappiness I have to subscribe to. And everyone tricks everyone else into believing romance is the best thing in the world. Is it though? Does my partner REALLY love me? Or is it, convenience? Why do all of my friends feel the same and have the same experience regardless of age or length of relationship?

    Guess I’ll have to get over it at some point.

  12. Resentment towards my parents. My dad was an alcoholic. My mom cheated on him and divorced him to be with this other guy. Twenty years later, my Dad has since died and my mom is still with this other man who is also just an addict.

  13. After a lifetime of abuse by men, beginning with my father, who began verbally abusing me when I was a toddler (older sibling confirmed it), which turned to physical, then sexual abuse when I was a teen, I married a guy exactly like my father (learned much later that we are attracted to what is familiar), and left him after 29 years of abuse, I don’t believe that I will find anyone that I can trust.

    I’ve found peace by myself and am surrounded by loving friends.

    I’ve worked too hard to even consider dating again.

    So, my struggle is why was I unlovable as a child?

  14. My first love. We were both 16 at the time. We’re both in our 40’s now and I’m still not over it. 😢

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