There are so many things to write about but I feel like everything just boils down upon you. It’s your actions and things you do now that will reflect your future. Honestly speaking, I don’t think I have had any self improvement in aspects of life. From education, job, finance, relationship, fashion and more. Im not sure if it’s childhood trauma or experiences or regrets failures whatever it could be. I guess I got use to it as time passed by but subconsciously I still feel the effects on everyday to day tasks. Like I never still got rid of anxiety, social anxiety, being fast paced active mind, being a go getter, hungry for success. I pretty much have been living a passive life but this is just a weak link lifestyle. You just accept your situation and live by it but lack that bravery or that feeling of enthusiasm to make a change. Don’t I have the determination displined willpower confidence courage something to do it. Every year goes by but I see no change in me. Yeah I feel horrible but I gotten so use it that it just feels normal but it’s not supposed to be normal right?? Like I see so many people get hyped confident when new year approaches. Writing and saying I’m gonna lose weight, get in good relationship, find a good paying job or go to college but I guess those who really really want it bad enough chase that dream and achieve their promises. Meanwhile I just keep saying it then just constantly worry, overthink and repeat and roll down to next year. But this time I’m just fed up and I want to make a change. I’m not sure how but I have over 10 goals that I wanna achieve. It gets overwhelming real quick and worst part is anxiety kicks in. Sighs

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