Hey , I’m in desperate need of advice.
The situation is the following :

CONTEXT (optional ):

I have a relatively small group of friends : (the names are made up for obvious reasons)

So, Ivan , Daniel and I met first in kindergarten, and we’ve been friends ever since.
Ivan and I went to the same school, but Daniel went to another school.
Ivan and his family eventually moved to another town, but we are still great friends.
And Daniel found a new friend in his school , Mark.

So in conclusion : Mark was never our friend, only Daniels , but we still liked him.

My problem is that Daniel never invites me anywhere, but he invites Mark every weekend.This has been going on for around a year.

Last year Mark and Daniel found a new hobby, Go-karting. And while Go-karting they met Bob, and Billy.

Ever since they’ve started go-karting they invited me less and less to hangouts, but I could get over that. (Ivan was excluded too, bc he lives far away)

I have never personally met Bob, and Billy bc I don’t like Go-karting bc it’s too expensive for me. And don’t forget that they are all gokart enhusiasts.

For 4 years , we’ve spent New Years eve together with everybody (excluding Bob, and Billy bc at the time they haven’t yet met)

And ever since a year ago it feels like Bob and Billy replaced me in the friend group, and I NEVER get invited to hangouts.I’m not exaggerating when I say that the last time we hung-out together was in July, and the last time they hung out was last week. And they basically do this every weekend.


Advice :

This year Bob hosts the New Years Eve party , (I have organised it for 3 years, and last year Daniel organized it).
And I wasn’t invited.

And from Bobs POV, that is completely understandable bc we’ve never met in person.


I feel like this is just an excuse because Daniels other friends whom Bob never even talked to were invited.

My main problem isn’t Bob , but the fact that Daniel, and Mark didn’t have a problem with the fact that I’m not going to be there.

And as of writing this (30. of December) I feel VERY left out , and stranded from them. They even went as far as planning the party while on call with me, and it just makes me sick to my stomach.

For everyone saying , those aren’t your friends.
-I agree, but Daniel is like a brother to me, and I don’t understand how he is okay with me not going.

Ivans role : Daniel and Mark were so unsure of who will be the party host, that Ivan has already gotten plans with someone else (outside of the friend group)

So tomorrow it’s New Years Eve and I’m here completely depressed , left out, betrayed…

Please give me advice how can I make this work.

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