My husband just informed me that he’s going on a trip to Colombia with his 2 friends in 2 weeks. He just recently went on a trip with them for NYE, which I was fine with. They’ve gone on trips multiple times throughout the past years and I’ve never gone(I was fine with this). Me and him have not gone on any trips as I wasn’t able to leave the country until now.

I really want to go and I told him I’d just stay to myself and not bother them too much. But he’s saying he just wants to be with his buddies and it’s a “guys” trip. I don’t understand since it’s this one time I’m asking to go as I’m itching to go on vacation. He would be down there for 2 weeks. He is saying we can go on vacation after he goes. I’m starting to get suspicious..

Should I wait to see if we will actually go on a separate trip?

TLDR; Husband won’t let me go on vacation to Colombia with him and his friends, even though he’s been multiple times with them and none with me.

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