So me and my gf went to hang out with some friends.

It wasn’t really meant to be a party, but it kind of became one as more people showed up.

My gf went to get some more snacks and drinks with a friend.

This girl came up to me and started talking to me. I didn’t think anything of it.

When my gf came back, I introduced her to the girl I was talking to. The girl was a bit flustered and apologized.

My gf said that was fucking weird.

I asked why.

She said that I’m not the type to get hit on by girls like that.

I was confused and asked if she could elaborate.

She simply said that she thought I was cute, but nowhere near hot enough to get hit on like that.

I was really hurt when she said that.

I’ve tried to talk to her about it, telling her how hurt I am that she said that, but she says I’m making this into a way bigger deal than what it is.

Am I actually overreacting here?

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