When did you realise that the people who claimed to be feminists in your life weren’t really feminists?

  1. When my best friend was assaulted by someone who incessantly talks about women’s liberation as an important political pillar in his party.

  2. Anyone can talk the talk but I watch out for whether they will walk the walk, you know? Actions speak louder than words.

    Also, this especially applies to the men in my life, if anyone says, “I’m a feminist but….” I’m extra wary and cautious of them.

  3. i had a guy friend who called himself a male feminist but he always seemed to be sober around the drunkest girls. found out he assaulted someone a month ago

  4. I’m shocked that all stories are pretty much the same.
    I was also assaulted by guy, who is a “feminist” and “women’s rights activist”.

    Yeah if anyone wasn’t to relive this kind of trauma I recommend watching Promising Young Woman

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