My boyfriend (22M) and I (20F) have been having sex consistently for the past month and a half, we have sex about 4-6 times a week. My libido is high and he says his is high too. At first, we could have sex without him getting soft at all, but now it is routine that he gets soft 1-2 times before he finishes. He says this is normal and it happens to him with previous partners. He makes me finish and usually after I finish is when he gets soft then he asks me to change positions, suck him off, or to take a quick break. Usually in between us having sex, he masturbates as well. I have a theory that his libido is so high his body can’t keep up and he is having too many orgasms. I ask him to stop masturbating in between but he won’t listen. Also, he and I weightlift pretty seriously, we are currently in a bulk where we lift heavy and eat more to gain weight. I have put on about 5-7 pounds during this time. For reference I’m 5’7 and 155 lbs rn, and pretty muscular, so it’s not like I’m obese, but he has been pointing out my pudgy stomach a lot recently. I have a feeling he is either having too many orgasms or he isn’t attracted to me, men of Reddit please help. Is this common among men and what does it mean?

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