My husband and I were speaking about scheduling sex. We have pretty good sex but not often. We are a bit mismatched when it comes to being in the mood and it’s possible that when one is into it the other one is busy with something else or tired (we both work from home). We’re satisfied in quality but not in quantity, yet we don’t appear to find the right timing for both to increase frequency.

Our concern is that scheduling sex will feel like a chore. Have you had any experience with it? Any tips or advice? Thank you!

  1. In the morning when I kiss my sleeping wife goodbye, I whisper into her ear..”I’m going to make love to you tonight “. She responds with a smile and says she’ll look forward to it.
    She gets home, dinners ready, we eat and she asks hows 7:00 sound. We meet in there at 7 and enjoy each other.
    Scheduled? Idk. But planned out where we both have time to get excited with no question about are we or aren’t we. It seems to work well..

  2. Scheduling like on a calendar? No. But when my husband is at the gym I will text him naughty things so he knows what I want at some point in the day.

  3. We are every other day, 3x per week. I love looking forward to sex. It is part of our flirtation.

  4. Man, people think scheduled sex is unsexy, but then they have affairs where they have to do a ton of scheduling and suddenly it’s very sexy…

    It’s all mindset.

    I bet you looked forward to sex on your wedding night – something you planned months in advance.

    Scheduling sex isn’t unsexy – unless you make it so.

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