My partner (25) and I (26) were messing around last night, having a great time just making the bed and being silly, when they stopped and reminded me that it didn’t mean they wanted to have sex. I immediately shut down because any time we’re being physically affectionate (which they want, and ask me to do more often if I try to pull back) they remind me that they don’t want to have sex.
We probably have sex 1-3x a month but I don’t keep track.
It led to a whole conversation where I finally told them I’m not happy with our sex life and it hurts when they remind me they don’t want sex because I KNOW they don’t want it. I told them I never expect it and I’m shocked on the rare occasion when they’re in the mood.
Our relationship is incredible otherwise, communication and understanding and frequent dates. It’s just so disappointing to hear them say they’re on the asexual side. I know it’s not about me and it’s not that I’m not attractive but it doesn’t hurt less.
I’d do anything to have a lower sex drive.

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