This guy (26M) I (23F) had a casual fling with randomly facetimed me on saturday night after months of not talking to each other nor seeing each other. I did wish him happy bday last week but before that, we hadn’t texted/called or seen each other since October. He and I live in different cities so on my end, I thought after October that it’d be the last time we would be in contact; except for me wishing him a happy bday (I did it out of kindness versus wanting to restart something between us).

When he drunk calls me, he says how much he misses me, wants to fly me back to his city and have me stay with him, spend a weekend together, etc. He even starts saying how he’s looking at our old photos together and went through my instagram while jerking himself off (and showing me on facetime). I kept laughing telling him it was weird he was calling me after barely speaking to me for months and then he tells me I’m the last person he’s had sex with. I didn’t take this conversation seriously since he was drunk, so i told him to ask me again the next day when he’s sober if he’s serious about me coming to see him again.

We end up falling asleep on facetime together after 2 hours because he insisted we do. So yesterday he texts me saying he doesn’t remember our convo on facetime, which I was pretty upset about. Like why would he call me out of the blue when he’s drunk in a different city, then fall asleep on facetime with me, only to act like it never happened the next day? I’m pretty annoyed and I don’t know what to do so I blocked him. Any thoughts?

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