I went to an event today. The plan was to go with my friend and his GF. I chose the event. All good. Turns out they invited about 5 other ppl. I wish they woulda told me since I’m an introvert and I usually want to prepare myself to be in big groups. Oh well though, I can’t be mad.

The event went okay, I was a bit disappointed. After that we all went to a bar. I was “in the mix” with the group, listening to their stories etc thankfully. But I went to the bathroom at one point and when I came back my spot was taken by someone else in the group haha. It’s okay though. But it made me be on the outskirts of the group, physically, to where I didn’t know how to get back in. The convo had continued on without me. There were other convos around me too, within the group, but I swear, idk what it is, if I have bad hearing or what, but I couldn’t hear what ppl were saying. So I just sank into myself. Started scrolling on my phone instead.

So rather than look stupid I ended up deciding to leave. Oh well.

Was I wrong, what should I have done instead?

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