I (30M) started texting a girl (29F) here on reddit. She is an adorable girl, truly a gem and we spend our days talking about everything.

With time we became really intimate and started sexting often. We both know we are not in a relationship whatsoever and she said to me I’m free to do as I want with the only condition not to tell her.

Since then I never did or tried to do anything with another girl out of respect for me and for her.
Last November she suddenly disappeared for 10 days and this thing totally panicked me, I didn’t know what I had done to make her go away I’ve always been understanding and a gentleman as she said multiple times. Filled with bad thoughts I started talking with another girl and one thing led to another we showed each other our private parts. I immediately deleted everything and deleted my account, I’m still ashamed and filled with guilt and remorse for what I did.

When the girl came back she said to me that her phone fell into water and had to wait for reparation, she only had her company phone which couldn’t use for obvious reasons.

We are still talking daily but I feel like I betrayed her trust and cheated on her… Everytime I think about it I feel sick in the stomach… Do I tell her what happened? I don’t want to lose her nor her respect for me…

TL;DR Met a girl here, we became intimate and at some point she vanished for 10 days, I talked with another girl but I felt super bad and immediately deleted the account, I feel like I betrayed her trust should I tell her?

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