What was a promise you made to yourself in a young age but broke later on?

  1. After breaking up with my high school ex, I promise myself I was going to work on getting into college and be happily single. I broke the promise the following night. I went out with a close friend (who’s now an ex friend) and got my husband’s number from her. I ended up going to college but it was after marriage.

  2. Never read the hunger games. It’s one of my favorite books.

    To be fair I was around 7 and my sister was explaining the concept to me and I thought that is awful I will never read that!

  3. Be a dead heart after marriage. I still find my heart racing for some randos. I say” I am married NoT dead”

  4. Promised myself I’d never fall in love again after the first time, and that I’d be that aunt that travels the world but always comes home for Christmas to get mulled wine drunk or I’d live in a wee house in the middle of nowhere with a squad of dogs.

    Lasted ten years and then fell in love with my best friend. Did get a chihuahua though!

  5. I swore I would never drink. Growing up my mom was an alcoholic, and I did *not* want to be like her.

    Then college came. I had a hard time making friends, and I was super anxious all the time. I started drinking to calm my nerves. After a few years of just party drinking, I spiraled out of control. I developed pretty severe alcoholism and got sober a few years back. Really wish I would have stuck to that promise.

  6. That I would get married and have kids of my own. And also that I would write and publish novels. I still write some, but I don’t publish anything.

  7. Never getting divorced like my parents did.

    My first marriage was never going to work. Her leaving me and forcing us to get divorced is one of the best things to ever happen in my life.

  8. When I was in 5th grade, I promised myself I’d have kids when I was really young. I thought 21 was the perfect age to have a baby. I’m 26 now and can’t even begin to imagine having kids until early thirties. Didn’t think about the logistics when I was ten lmaooo

  9. When I got baptized I vowed to never smoke cigarettes like my mom and dad. Fast forward, it’s the biggest monkey on my back.

  10. Absolutely everything. Not a single thing has gone the way I’d hoped and I only have myself to blame! I was a very misguided young lady and didn’t find confidence and start undoing all the damage that had been inflicted on me until my 30s. I always knew that I was capable, but chose to believe negative things even though I kept saying I’ll prove them wrong.
    But it’s never too late to do the things! Some of us are late bloomers 🤷🏻‍♀️

  11. Not smoke or drink or do drugs

    Not have unprotected sex

    Not have sex before marriage

    Not getting tattoos

    Always believing in god

    Not punch anyone ever

    … I’ve kept no cheating on a partner tho

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