As it has basically become a weekly recurring event by now, I’ve decided to get other peoples opinion on this.
My girlfriend gets mad at me very easily and usually for no apparent reason. Today while working from home, my girlfriend asked me to go to a cafe. I always want to do everything to please my girlfriend so I complied.
While we were getting ready to go, she asked me if dogs are allowed in the mall (she wanted to go to the mall next to the cafe while I was working) I told her they are so she decided to take the dog. While getting ready to go I asked her if we can be a bit quicker as I need to work. This agitated her and she didn’t speak to me during the entire car ride. We then went to the cafe and she said that she would leave the dog with me while she goes shopping. This frustrated me as I told her we could have left our dog (5 month old puppy) at home. I told her to take the dog as I need to work. This made her very angry and she then stopped talking to me. It’s important to note that when my girlfriend gets upset with me she gives me the silent treatment. This can last from a few hours to more than a day. We then got food and ate in silence. The cafe was new so they didnt have wifi and I didnt have a strong enough signal inside to work so I told her I would have to go to my university (around the corner) to work. This seemingly pushed her limits. She started to get ready to leave. I asked her where she wss going and she said she was going home.
I reminded her that I cant drive her home and that was one of the last things she said to me until now. We then left the cafe and I reminded her again that I cant drive her and that I need to work and she said “just leave then” (don’t remember exactly but it was somethin along the lines of that). So I went to my uni. She ca V about 30 minutes later and ended up waiting in my car for over 1 hour.

After getting home I had to study. I asked her if we could take after. She didn’t answer me. Received silent treatment for about 1 hour. I asked multiple times and eventually she said “you can talk”. She meant that literally. I spent the next 30 mins trying to get info out of her about why she is upset sted. I tried to console her and talk things through. She refused as she usually does and continued to ignore me. After a while she said about 5 words and after trying to get her to talk about the problem for 20 mins she asked me to just act like nothing happened. So I did. Now we are sitting on the couch not talking to each other.

I know this will pas (it always does), but her continuous anger towards me is taking a toll on me. Every time it hurts me more and more. I will happily take the blame for anything and do everything to make her feel good.
Its starting to hurt me so bad that I don’t know what to do anymore and I always have to watch what i say as I worry about this happening.

Does anyone have advice for me on how to handel this situation. I only want the best for her.

PS: sorry for the long text, didn’t want to miss any important details.

Looking forward to hearing some advice!

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