Hi there!

Welcome to our daily scheduled post, the **Daily Slow Chat.**

If you want to just chat about your day, if you have questions for the moderators *(please mark these \[Mod\] so we can find them)*, or if you just want talk about oatmeal then this is the thread for you!

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The mod-team wishes you a nice day!

  1. Isn’t it really surprising that there were no very high profile terrorist attacks using Russian WMDs during the 1990s? There was just a lot of unemployed weapons scientists and engineers that need the money and probably some amount of abandoned weapons on the sites these people worked on.

  2. My poor husband tried to go to his workplace today (it’s a bit far) and he is stuck in the traffic jam caused by the farmer protests since almost an hour. I feel really bad for him. It is a long drive as it is.

    Speaking of my husband, I have a bit of a personal question for the gentlemen. Do you guys ever wear sleeveless t-shirts, or is it an absolute no-go? Yesterday I found one if my husband’s drawer and asked him why he bought it, since he never wears them. Apparently he was buying several colors of the same t-shirt and didn’t see that one was sleeveless (he couldn’t bring it back because reasons). I asked him to put it on, and after having it on for five seconds, he complained for half an hour about how uncomfortable it is.

    In Izmir it’s quite common for men to wear them (my brother doesn’t, either, though) but I see them rarely in Germany even when during spaghetti top weather. What about where you live?

  3. Yesterday I tried to go to my usual laundromat after work but they were closed to take delivery of new machines. 🤦‍♂️ But at least the one I went to was showing classic game shows on one of the TVs haha.

  4. In one of those moments when a series of random events ends up changing your life, when we came back home to the Netherlands from France yesterday, we avoided driving the shortest route through Germany, due to the protest blockades.

    Which is how we ended up grabbing sandwiches in a random tankstation in Luxembourg, and I heard the most amazing thing ever created – [Joe Dassin – Dan Les Yeux d’Emilie](https://youtu.be/ly_zlMIrfOA?si=6GbHbQw_8QUMEAvp) remix version “the bumper car ride at your local village fête, complete with strobe lights and a smoke machine”.

    When I die, I want this to play as I cremate.

  5. Just want to gush about my coworkers: Since the big trauma a while ago I still work on my terms, so I don’t do tasks that I feel I’m not yet ready for again (or, at that point slowly accepting I might never return to my old self), and one of those things are appointments with my customers. We don’t have them often, most is done via mail or phone, but from time to time… and I can’t do it, usually.

    Today I made an appointment with a customer in an especially difficult situation, however I don’t have to expect a shouting contest (which is something I might never be able to do again. I just can’t take their issues serious anymore when they start telling me how bad their life is and how they use it as an excuse to yell at me. Dear customer, my life is worse by an order of magnitude, and I don’t yell at random strangers.). I told one of my coworkers, and she said “you know that you’re alone in the office that day, right? You know you don’t have to do this, and you know you don’t have to do this alone. If you want me to I reschedule next week so I can be with you in the office”.

    My coworkers are so amazing humans.

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