Some background, I decided to message a girl on Teams that I work with since I’ve resigned. Due to still being WFH and on different teams we haven’t met or really spoken. Just see each other on the occasional Zoom call. We messaged for about a day, probably 10 msgs each. I think it was a good conversation based on some lols/hahaha’s and she was asking questions. Decided to message her again about a week or so later and had a similar conversation. Convo was ended by her. I asked a question, albeit, not a great one. She never responded. Perhaps she got busy with something or forgot? Anyway, trying to gauge if she’s interested or not before I leave so I can suggest perhaps grabbing a drink.

Thoughts on my next move? Should I still ask her out?

  1. I feel like she’s not interested otherwise she would’ve pushed back “hey let’s get coffee sometime”

  2. What was this question that you asked her? Maybe it scared her off .

  3. Definitely.

    “Hey, I enjoyed our conversation the other day. I’d love to talk to you again but in real life, would you be keen to meet up for a coffee or a drink sometime?”

    Good luck!

  4. It’s not like you already asked her out and she said no. So give her the opportunity to meet up for a drink, and she can go along or decline.

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