I have been with my boyfriend a little over 1.5 year. It’s by far the healthiest relationship I have ever been in and I’ve grown tremendously since then. I love him very much but per my last post, getting physical affection or words of affirmation has been a struggle. Recently, I went on a trip where everyone was like that and I gave him an ultimatum. If he can’t provide for me in the love languages I need, I will have to leave because I don’t want to settle for less. This is a conversation that’s been had countless amounts of times and so I was at my breaking point. We just had that conversation last week on New year, and since then, he’s made a huge improvement. The only thing is I don’t want to have sex. I’m actually repulsed by the idea of him and I having sex. Sex is okay between us, not the best but not horrible either and he tries to get me off. But I’ve never had sex with him because I wanted to have sex with HIM but because I wanted to have sex. I can imagine me having sex with other people with no problem, and even met a boy on that trip who I was very attracted to (though I set clear boundaries and nothing happened), so I’m not sure what it is. I’m fighting between making it work and breaking up. I’m not sure what to do.


Boyfriend and i are healthy couple but he doesn’t meet my physical needs for love. I gave him an ultimatum and he’s been trying but sex is not something I want from him. Don’t know if I should break up or make it work.

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