Is it too much to expect my husband to help 50/50 with chores & childcare when he’s off? He works 50 hours Monday-Friday (5am-4pm). Has weekends off, but plays in a band so he practices 1-2 weekdays after work & has a gig probably 2-3 times a month. He’s definitely very busy & a great worker, & so am I. I wake up at 3:30am every weekday to make him breakfast & work lunch, I have a spotless/100% organized home & a warm homemade meal ready every day when he comes home from work on top of 2 VERY well taken care of toddlers. Because we each do it ALL, I expect 50/50 help when hes home, as I believe being a stay at home mom is also several jobs in 1. When he’s off, he doesn’t do “nothing” but I do 90/10 while he gets to watch tv while I’m doing “90%”. I’m not saying he doesn’t deserve a break, I simply think we EQUALLY deserve one.

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