Hey guys, I could use some advice on a situation I find myself in. I (21m) have been chatting with this amazing girl (20m) for about two months, and we really hit it off. We share the same values, have a great connection, and things just feel mature and right. Here’s the catch – both of us got out of toxic relationships around four months ago.

We’ve reached the point of deep conversation where we have each talked about our past relationships and why we broke it off with our exes so we both know about eachother in that regard.

I’m really interested in asking her out, but I’m concerned about the potential for either of us to be a rebound for the other. I don’t want to rush into something, and I certainly don’t want to bring any baggage from my past into a potential new relationship.

How should I approach this? What’s the play here?

TLDR: talking with a girl that I’ve really started to like, but we both have recently-ish ended long term relationships. I don’t want to ruin a relationship by bringing in any possible baggage. What do I do?

  1. A rebound only happens if one or both of you go into it with the specific idea of it being a rebound. You’re over thinking this too much.

    Ask her out.

  2. After 4 months it is not a rebound.

    Just invite her to do something fun together, and keep it platonic for at least the first date.

    And the sooner you stop talking with her about your previous relationships the better.

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