I’m only 35, but I have recently realized that I can no longer eat overly meaty foods. I don’t avoid meat by any means, but, I can no longer CRUSH a 24oz ribeye or enjoy a big burger like I used to in my twenties (1lb burger at Fudds with fries and soda for $12 was my reason to live in my late twenties before i got married).

I also very much enjoy sour foods now and I find the I encorporate an acid flavor with every meal to cut through anything rich or heavy. Kimchi, pickles, Kraut, taijin/lime seasoning, etc.

Lastly, the only candy I really enjoy these dark chocolate tabs (Bouchard’s Belgian) from Costco. I usually have two or three after dinner a few times a week.

  1. My diet has gotten healthier because otherwise my weight would go up. My food is less spicy because the kids don’t like spicy food, and so my stomach’s ability to handle really hot food has gone down.

  2. I made drastic changes to my diet around 35 too, I’m over 50 now and feel much better than I did in my early 30s. Red meat took too long for my body to digest and would give me stomach pain if I tried to exercise less than 4 miles afterwards. I stick with chicken or vegetarian meals now; red meat a few times a year when with friends. Sugar and corn syrup made me sleepy, so I cut that out. Almost everything is meal-prepped and I rarely eat out—restaurants are purely a nighttime thing because the rich ingredients make me unable to hit the gym in the eve. If a friend wants to hang out, I suggest a walk or coffee first.

  3. Can’t have greasy pizza without explosive diarrhea. I still have it once every second week lol.

  4. No longer eat red/white/blue meat. Most people will die a horrible death eating that crappy food everyday.

  5. my TMJ has taken a toll on my ability to eat anything that requires chewing or mouth movement a lot. I used to love beef jerky and sunflower seeds, but now it’s just a pain in my head to eat it. I eat a lot of cottage cheese now.

  6. Greasy, fatty, spicy foods are all long gone. Well, I can eat them but then I suffer, sometimes for days.

  7. I went vegan at 35. It’s probably one of the best changes I’ve ever made. That and giving up alcohol

  8. Mainly it was when I quit drinking.

    It took about six months, but suddenly I just wasn’t very hungry anymore. My desire for fast food and snacks and sweets just…went away.

    Now I typically eat until I am content enough and don’t finish the rest. Sometimes I have to force myself to eat as I know I have to, but I just don’t feel hungry.

    Been one of the strangest things. I used to love snacks and sweets and now I live happily without them, for the most part.

  9. I have noticed that how I feel is much more affected by how I eat than when I was younger. So I tend to eat pretty “clean” as that makes me feel the best.

  10. I’ve never been able to crush a 24oz ribeye lmao. Reminds me of that King of the Hill episode where they take an X-ray of Hank’s colon and hang it up as art.

    I generally prefer chicken and seafood. When I visit my family all they eat is red meat, and I guess I grew up with that. It’s actually fucking disgusting how much red meat they eat. I also had older coworkers who were super macho and they made a point that they only ate red meat and that other meats were “vegetables” (except for maybe fried chicken). I like brisket or steak occasionally but I don’t think it digests as well as lighter fare.

    I’ve flirted with a vegetarian diet on and off, I think it’s best for the environment. I can go a long time without meat but it’s still a regular part of my diet.

  11. I need to be aware of how much I eat and my proximity to a bathroom. I noticed eating a lot now seems to move things around and I might suddenly need to take a shit not too long after I eat a big meal.

  12. I’m so glad I’m not alone in this. I see my friends (we’re all early 40s), and they still eat, drink, and smoke like when we were in our 20s. I’m sitting back like, “I’ll take the half-rack of ribs, a salad, a glass of white, and a single shot of my favorite bourbon, and then I’m going TF home!”

  13. Way less fast food. It was a gradual process, but looking back, man I used to live off fast food at times. Luckily I never gained that much weight, but I’m sure my cholesterol was pretty poor.

  14. I eat spicier food than I did in my 20s. I’ve been trying to eat smaller portions, but I’m not that good at it.

  15. I just can’t eat as much as I used to

    When I was in my early 20s I could eat whatever I wanted and never put on a pound.

    Doesn’t quite work like that anymore

  16. I can’t do AYCE sushi or KBBQ anymore. My wife and I used to go at least bi-weekly 5-10 years ago but that had stopped when I passed 30. What used to be 4+ rounds for us is now a struggle to even finish the 2nd round so we came to a realization that it’s a better use of our money to buy high quality meat and actually enjoy our consumption. Over the recent few years, I have taken a huge liking to coffee not for the effect but the taste and potency of the coffee beans.

  17. I still love spicy food and while it doesn’t affect my mouth or stomach, I sweat like a mofo often when eating it. So unfortunately I avoid eating spicy food in public. At home though, towel’s on, bring on the spice.

    Aside from that I no longer have any desire to eat steak of any kind. It kind of grosses me out and is like lead in my stomach.

    In general I try to avoid beef. Lamb is once every couple of months. It’s mostly seafood/fish and chicken these days. I also avoid pasta. It’s a rare treat.

    And sweets/deserts are off the table.

  18. A year or so ago, I completed a 6-week weight loss challenge and dropped 30 lbs. I promptly regained the weight once my local gym closed, but til this day, I still measure my meal portions with a food scale and try to eat a balanced, mostly-healthy diet.

    Mostly, these days I’m eating chicken and rice with salad. I’ll add hot sauce if I want to change up the flavor, as those are extremely low-calorie. I very rarely eat things like red meat or bacon. When I’m working out actively and have a job, I’ll get nice sushi at a restaurant once a week as a cheat meal.

    I cut out soda years ago, and stick with flavored sparkling waters (the non-sweetened kind). I used to eat bland cereal like Corn Flakes and Kix, but I cut those out, too.

  19. I’ve been super lucky that I didn’t develop too many bad habits other than overeating.

    Never really was a drinker. Started late and that hasn’t changed.
    Never had too much of a sweet tooth.
    I think that I crave spicy food more. As well as more heavy reliance on seasoned food (cayenne, cumin, zataar, etc).
    Cut my cooking fats down to avocado oil, olive oil , ghee, and butter.

    It really helps having a partner/spouse that likes many of the same dietary choices that you do.

  20. I can’t drink coffee with sugar or anything dairy in it, I prefer it black. Before, until my early 30s, I would drink coffee only if it had at least two spoons of sugar in it and of course I was sucker for all the diarrhea causing cappuccinos and stuff from starbacks. In general I can’t tolerate sugar anymore, the moment I eat something sweet I start having stomach cramps.

  21. I’ve started drinking a lot more water. If I don’t drink enough water, no matter what I eat, I’ll have digestive problems.

    I also noticed, If I eat more than 3-4 slices of pizza, my gut hates me. Honestly, anything really heavy on wheat/gluten seems to do me in (pasta, bready sandwiches, etc)…unless I drink a lot of water.

    Pretty much cut out soda – usually I can’t finish a can. Still like sweets/candy, but I have more self control and try to keep my sugar intake below 35g/day.

    Also, related to eating, I floss now. Not everyday. But often.

  22. I’ve made quite a few changes which were basically out of necessity.

    Lactose was a big one, found out in my mid-30s that I was lactose intolerant so I try to avoid most lactose or take pills when needed.

    One thing I find very difficult now is eating large meals. I just feel totally zapped and gross after. It doesn’t help that I also have young kids and melting on the couch after a big meal isn’t really an option anymore either.

    Used to drink Sodas, dropped those long ago and stick to water.

    Fast food is almost non-existent now. We will order take out from a Thai or Indian place on occasion but rarely ever go for the typical burgers/fries or pub foods

    I rarely binge drink. 2 glasses of red wine is my sweet spot. Hangovers are just terrible and throw me off for 2-3 days.

  23. If you’re not eating healthier, getting fitter, making better choices as you age you’re seriously fucking up.

  24. Restaurant burger and fries or chicken tenders and fries has like a 50% chance of hurting my stomach. Caffeines effects make me feel a lot more anxious now too. Soda makes me feel sick now too.

  25. – focus on higher quality food with less portions

    – have a big sweet tooth, used to be able to finish a pint of Hagen dasz or Ben and Jerry’s with ease, now I stick to a small piece of chocolate for “dessert”

    – I still drink/smoke weed but have reduced it to ~ once a week/every 2 weeks (I used to smoke daily and drink 3-4 times a week)

  26. When you say you can’t eat large portions of meat what does that mean for you? Like you feel sick? Or it’s not appetizing?

    For me as I got into my later twenties into my thirties it was kind of the opposite (given I have celiacs) so basically my plate is like 40% meat 30% veg 30% carb or fat. I noticed if I eat anything carb heavy these days my ass is grounded for at least a few hours.

    Also can’t really enjoy sweets these days unless it’s some sort of fruit

  27. I’ve been less and less interested in pasta dishes as I’ve been aging and I’m not sure why.

    About five years ago my guts got very sensitive to processing spicy food. Just a lot of pain and few hours after eating. I cut out spicy stuff for about two years and only now have been slowly reintroducing them.

    Aside from that, I’m just trying to be aware of my portion sizes since it seems to be a lot easier to put on weight now.

  28. In my 30’s I became lactose intolerant but I don’t have a kitchen or a fridge so I still eat store-bought or fast food for every meal.

    I also have the genetic quirk of being a [supertaster](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supertaster) so even the mildest spices overwhelm me. I eat pretty bland stuff for the most part. No adventurous foods here.

  29. I started several years ago eating healthier. More veggies and fruits. Less breads and sweets. I enjoy a salad with shredded chicken breast on top just about as much as anything else you could possibly tempt me with.

    In the last year or so, I’ve grown to dislike the “full” feeling after a large meal. As a result, I’ve begun to naturally eat less.

  30. I eat super clean now. A lot of veggies and my choice of protein is either seafood or chicken. I occasionally have red meat. However, my body reacts to high sodium foods so badly now. If I go out to eat Chinese food, the next day my fingers and limbs feel swollen and I retain so much water. I usually gain about 4 lbs and it takes me 2 days to get rid of the water weight.

  31. I am way more concerned by how food makes me feel and how it affects athletic performance compared to how it tastes.

    I perform much better burning calories from white rice, sweet potatoes or potatoes than I do burning wheat calories.

    I cut out all soda when I was like 23. I’ve been cutting out more crappy foods over time. No seed oil, etc.

  32. Stopped drinking soda in my 20’s. Fast food maybe once a month? I’m down from 4-9 cups of coffee per day to just one, as it has started actually affecting me.

    I’ve grown a much stronger preference for spicy food and an intolerance for capsaicin, which seems like a cruel trick tbh.

  33. Spent the first 5 years of my 30s feeling tired and sick all the time. I’m an alcoholic and also have metabolic disorder (borderline hypertension and pre-diabetic).

    On day 10 sober and on the right diet for me, down 10 lbs and feeling better every day.

  34. Suddenly intolerant of lactose, eggs, red meat, etc in my mid-30s. Nearly 39 now, fully vegan and feeling great.

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