I met a guy taking the train to my university and he approached me asking for my number. Soon we went on a few dates for a little over a month and hooked up twice during this period. I quickly got attached to him because I moved over 2,000 miles away from my hometown and he was the first person I met outside of work.

It was pretty obvious he was not super interested in me as he would only text me about once a week and sometimes go up to a whole two weeks without seeing each other despite us living very close to one another. The last time I saw him he told me he was getting pretty serious with someone else and decided to pursue her instead of me.

I was able to accept this without any hard feelings but it’s been a month since I last saw him and I really miss him. Lately, I’ve been having the urge to text him just to tell him that I hope he is doing well but I know nothing good will come out of it.

I really need some advice. I’ve gone on a few first dates with other people and I’m not connecting with anyone else. I’m hurting really bad and I’m all alone in a new city where I’m not close to anyone.

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