All started off with me and my friend being invited round a girls house for a two man. My friend, Josh, had been seeing this girl, Imogen, for a quite a while and she was staying at her friends house, Evie. Me and Josh were invited round to Evie’s house for a two man and me and Evie hit it off. We got a bit drunk and made out.

I was expecting it to be a one night thing, but apparently she started to like me. We got invited round again and the same thing happened. Got a bit drunk, made out etc. And all this time she’s saying all these things about really liking me, and that she’d never cheat, that she wants me to make moves on her and shit.

She went on holiday and when she came back, we sorted out dinner together where we brought a few other people along too. Evie seemed quite distant the entire night and was constantly with another girl that was also there. After the dinner Evie and the other girl went off instantly and left me alone with Josh and imogen where imogen told me that Evie was going to see another guy, on her own two man with the other girl.

I thought fuck it, obviously hurt but she obviously wasn’t interested so no point trying to chase her any longer. Imogen obviously messaged Evie because i got a message from her the same night saying “i promise nothing happened between me and that guy, we are just friends i swear i’m not that type of girl”. I stopped talking to her and i was talking to josh about it when he told me that Evie said she liked me for a while but lost feelings.

Stopped speaking to her all together and a few days ago i got a message from her promising that nothing happened between the guy she went to see, and that she doesn’t want to stop speaking to me and doing stuff together. I took that as her saying she is interested again and decided to give it another chance. She apparently private messaged imogen to say that she does really
like me too. Literally 2 days later of talking to her, she starts to get really dry and leaves me on delivered for hours and hours.

Just seems like i’m going in circles with her, it’s gone from her being all over me, to losing feelings, to not talking all together, to her liking me again, to her getting dry two days later.

Like what the fuck does she want from me? If she is just using me for attention, i don’t understand why she would message her friend in private to say she DOES really like me.

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