Hi beer experts, I’ve been invited to a house party and was asked to bring some beer. The problem is I don’t really drink alcohol, so I don’t know which brands are good and should be avoided. What would you recommend?

BTW I am in the UK. Cheers!

  1. I don’t drink much beer but I had good experience with Corona, Heineken and Carlsberg

  2. Corona or Modelo imo 🙂 but people will drink whatever you bring most likely lol

  3. I like stella, it’s always gone over well at parties in my experience.

  4. Whatever is on offer in the supermarkets.

    Usually something like Corona, Kronenbourg or San Miguel.

  5. Tennants is a good beer. It’s Scottish but we’ve got it here in Canada and I enjoy it (but I’m also half Scot).

    Carlsberg is a safe, worldwide bet. If they have Carlsberg Elephant, that’s a red that goes great with BBQ.

    Don’t go too fancy though. I think a higher quantity of safe beers is better than a small selection of premiums.

  6. Depends on the party…

    A bunch of people you want to impress…Guiness or Sam Smith.

    A bunch of jabronis….cheapest swill you can find.

  7. It depends on what sort of crowd you are going to be hanging with. Decent differently flavored beers seem to go over well when my gf’s lady friends hang at our place every weekend. They can have the sort of beers that they normally drink every day, having something new and decent is always fun for some people at least.

  8. I don’t drink alcohol, but I think you can’t go wrong with Stella Artois. My second choice would be Pilsner Urquell.

  9. Its free beer. They will drink it no matter that it is. Only the real asshats will refuse free beers.

    I always bring what i like. If others don’t like it. But their own

  10. Totally dependent on who youre partying with but they will all apprecciate you getting it right. My dominican friends people are always shocked to see my white ass roll up with a case of Presidente but its always well recieved.

  11. Just get a keg of whatever is the most common beer sold in pubs there. Could be boddingers or something else.

  12. Find the worst part of town. Then find a cheap liquor store there. Pick out the least expensive beer you can find. Get a case of that and you should be good to go. might as well get some beef jerky from there too. Sometimes they have the best jerky

  13. I don’t know any UK specific beers, but Goose Island is great and I know is sold over there. I love dark beer so I go with the stouts personally, but IPAs seem more popular. Cheers

  14. Corona Extra for me

    Tuborg works, too

    A good Pilsner or Lager usually always hits the spot.

  15. In my circle: a case of Busch lite

    I’m my dad’s circle: whatever the owner of the fancy beer market tells you is special and a treat

  16. Whatever you bring, make sure it was canned recently. That makes a big difference.

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