I (26F) am Indian, yes. I had come to South Korea 6 years ago, and have been working here ever since. Two years ago, though I met my current bf. We have gotten closer and more than 12 months into it, we have made it official.

But recently, a few things are bugging me. The Korean society can get extremely racist to people of other nationalities especially, those from southern regions. I haven’t experienced any kind of racism or weird remarks here, though I have received looks and unappreciative glances from the elder people here. I have a group of friends too, but its only a few who seem keen on keeping up with me. Not like I’ve bothered much, until recently when i’m having thoughts about my relationship.

I’ve heard stories not only on this sub, but nearly every social media platforms, regarding the racism they have felt here. I few of my Indian friends here too have been troubled by such situations.

He plans on making me meet his parents, and keeps saying that he really wants this with me. I haven’t led him on much, and though I haven’t told him the reasons, he told me he would give me time. Thing is, I want to feel included here, feel like a part of society, and not just a ‘foreigner’. I’m also more nervous than excited meeting his parents, the possibilities of being ill-spoken about, on the face or behind the back seem too tormenting. I speak the language quite well, and have been appreciated, but I wonder how I would be looked down upon by the people of not just my relatives but also his, when they find out.

Also, there are quite a few restrictions here in pubs and bars especially where Indians are not allowed. Me and my bf, have experienced this, but I feel like I’m letting him down because of my nationality.

I know what the title says, but I feel this is one of the most genuine and healthy relationships I’ve had, we have fun and enjoy leaning about each others culture. We aren’t that different, I’ve seemingly adapted much more to the culture here. He seems chill about it but paranoia can indeed be blinding, and I’m starting to doubt the bona fide of our relationship.

Note\* I’ve also heard loads of stories about men using women (especially from other countries) for their own relish. This has been concerning me recently.

I do not ‘want’ to break up. I wish to make this work. But it would be something to think about, if i get a view from the 3rd person.

tldr; Boyfriend and me come from different nationalities, but recently thoughts on societal expression of such a relationship had brought up doubts.

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