For context: I’m a 23F whose never had sex – not religious, just wanted to wait for someone I was in love with and who was willing to commit. I have been in love twice and unfortunately my first love wasn’t interested until after I had moved on and my second love wasn’t willing to be monogamous, so I haven’t had sex yet.

I know that I’m ready to start dating again, but I would only be willing to have sex after 2-3 months of dating. Is this an unrealistic timeframe? I have a lot of experience casually dating apart from my two ‘loves’, but I’ve only been truly interested in and kept seeing two or three men – and they either weren’t willing to wait or found the fact I’d never had sex to be off-putting.

Would it be worth it for me to re-evaluate my timeframe? Or has anyone had a similar experience they could share?

Edit: DMs with advice on my situation are cool, no more offers to ‘fix it’ though, lol

Edit 2: I’m not counting the days, it’s just an estimate of when I would likely be ready

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