So me (21m) and this girl (21f) met on tinder a few months back, we were hooking up for a while, the sex was great and the company was amazing. We were only having sex casually but we were exclusive to eachother. I made it clear that I can’t share my girls with other guys because it’s a major turn off, even if it’s just casual sex to see where things go, as soon as they say they want to start fucking other dudes i will almost instantly move on and forget them. Some time passed and now she realises I’m not what she wants and wants to see other men, I said that’s fine and I told her I won’t be a close friend after she moves to the next guy, and I am now ignoring her but she still texts me and wants to be friends? I feel for me the best way to deal with rejection is to completely move on and forget her, however she still wants to stay friends. Personally me seeing her or thinking about her being with another guy doesn’t sit right and I’d rather not know at all and move onto the next girl.

Am I an asshole for ignoring her? Should I remove her completely so we have zero contact? And also what does the way I handle this say about my character?

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