What do you wish you did more of?

  1. My creative hobbies – I used to love to draw and do embroidery, but rarely have the time to get back into it… Or when I do have the time, I just don’t feel motivated.

  2. Walking outside-I don’t have a dog currently as my Sam crossed the rainbow bridge in July and I just don’t feel safe walking around my neighborhood without a dog or husband. 

  3. Everything, except work. 

    Work dominates my life now, to the detriment of hobbies, sleep, relationships, and self-improvement

  4. Spend more time with my children. I spent lots of time with them but now that I’m an empty nester I wish I had spent even more.

  5. Sex and cuddling. It sucks having to be long distance for awhile. But also sleep too.

  6. Honestly? Party more and/or do more stupid young people shit. Didn’t do any of it when I was younger and missed out on the fun time of my life because I was too anxious to be around people and drugs/drinking. Jokes on me though because now I’m a weed addict with no fun memories of my 20s and no close friends. :/

  7. sleep, eat and self care. with two toddlers there aren’t enough hours in the day/days in the week/weeks in the month/etc. for me to have enough time to truly take care of myself. these days are all about survival 🤷🏽‍♀️

  8. Travel. I didn’t go anywhere when I was younger, and it’s much harder to do now with a kid and adult responsibilities at home. I’m still hoping to travel with my daughter but I wish I’d seen some places in my 20’s too.

  9. I need to take more pictures. It is my new years resolution every year, and yet I still regret not taking enough pictures by the end of the year.

  10. Sex/intimacy not sex related . I am now 31, not old by any means,but I keep thinking about the poor soul who will be my next relationship and have to go through the process of me actively applying what’s been learnt in therapy in regards to intimacy and specifically sex. It seems daunting and is one of the reasons I know im not in a place to date.

    Therapy, I wish I had started in my early 20s when I knew I needed it . Would have saved myself a lot of heart ache and financially poor decisions in relationships. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  11. Reading and learning. I have zero motivation at home to do things (growing up, home was always for chilling and doing nothing. Homework was done at school/library, reading was done waiting on busses etc.). Working from home and now having a baby, I’m at home all the time and never make time for hobbies

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