I really wonder what is something you get enthralled by – a hobby, a favourite music album, books, etc: what is it that makes your eyes sparkle?

  1. Creating, im passionate about creating almost what ever, i prefer wood and metal. But im just getting in to 3D printing so my focus in creating might shift in the future🤪

  2. A few things:

    * most things Star Wars and Marvel
    * Electro-Industrial music
    * Painting 28mm fantasy & sci-fi miniatures

  3. Roguelike videogames. Don’t what it is about the genre but it’s my favorite.

    Really enjoy music, especially live concerts. Worse part of the pandemic was having to go a year without attending a concert. Just love the anticipation, the energy, people attending. All in all great times.

    Love cooking its my therapy after a long or stressful day.

  4. Of late I have been utterly obsessed with food. Finding recipes on you tube and trying them out. But life for me isnt as simple as good food, and finding free porn clips to have a happy ending with. Astronomy still interests me. And photography. I enjoy long walks in the park. Waiting for dusk to see how many stars I can see in the sky. Not much I’m in the bronx. Now that I have no computer or cable tv I’ve gone back to book reading. When I can save a few dollars I will be buying all of the ANNE RICE books I havent read, perhaps I’ll spend whole days in my tiny bedroom just reading till my eyes get too tired.

  5. One thing I’m really into is musical improvisation. The act of creating something totally unique, in real time, never to be repeated. Two incredible examples of modern improv-ers are the guitarist Guthrie Govan, and the freestyle rapper Harry Mack.

    What about you OP?

  6. That’s so funny I just answered this somewhere else not two minutes ago.

    I guess I’ll just copy and paste since why not?

    Uh… Retirement planning and the Time Value of Money

    Nobody on earth wants to hear about it but I built a massively complex retirement calculator in Excel.

    It has auto adjusting graphs and everything! It even shows you the effects of inflation on your final dollar amount, three detailed withdraw scenarios, and a probability of portfolio success calculator.

    Hell it even has it’s own instruction manual that walks you through a case study! I’d give the thing away just to help people and nobody wants it.

    Bums me out man.

  7. Mentoring people, especially teenagers, on how to go to college or trade school if they come from a low income background where they think they have no opportunities. Same goes for the military too if that’s what they want to do.

    Also talking about gender norms, biases, expectations. Providing a comfortable environment and teaching/talking to other men, usually teens and young adults, about communicating, emotions, gender pressures, etc.

    And space exploration

  8. I’d say…
    Video games, computer programming, astronomy (not in the sense of equations, but more about what can exist out there), and philosophy.
    Not gonna lie, nothing gets me as excited as astronomy 🤩🤩

  9. Music and being in the gym. Both keep me calm and as centered as I can get. I have recently found I enjoy writing too.

  10. Football/soccer whatever you call it. I love that shit, I played religiously almost everyday from 6 to 18, then only weekends and then nothing, a group of friends and I are starting a weekend team so we can play again.

  11. #RANT

    Helping people out.
    To those who need it.
    I’ve seen both the worst and the best in humanity as I’ve been put in a lot of different situations in my life. Ive walked the slums of slums on 3 different continents.
    I can spot someone struggling in any of the million different ways I myself struggled with in my own past.
    Nothing has a better feeling in this world than to actually change another persons life for the better.

    I was 11 when I started drafting ideas/images in detail of housing in its cheapest way with essential items needed to survive. Ideas about how a self sustained community garden/farm where in the govt would pay people to grow crops/recycle and clean trash off the streets themselves… .

    I grew up and realized you really can’t help anyone before you help yourself, and without paying up a hefty fee… whether the fee comes from your bank or from paying up your own life for trying to do genuine good. Governments do not want human life to be sustained but rather profitable.

    I wouldn’t want to be a politician even though sheep see them as the ones who would do just that in which I truly have a passion for.. it hurts 💔.

    I’m genuinely passionate about walking the streets and actually making a change in a life.
    If I was a trillionaire someday , … man oh man.

    (Definitely threw me in a depression for quite some time.. .. you wouldn’t believe me if I told you the most genuine, compassionate and happiest humans on this earth that I’ve come across are those who were extremely poor unfortunately. Now imagine if they just got a genuine non back stabbing helping hand) ..

  12. Permaculture! Soil health and creating a biodiverse environment is as easy as planting some local plants. It’s an awesome way to help the internal water cycle, sequester carbon in the soil, and provide a habitat for native wildlife like birds and wild bees.

  13. Cars, I’ve loved cars for as long as I can remember. Now I don’t drive anything special I drive an 08’ Ford Fusion with a four cylinder but I gotta be honest I can’t help but smile when I drive it. Mainly because it is my car!

  14. Music and Weapons are two of my biggest hobbies/money pits, however the outdoors is my true passion. Wilderness exploration, bushcraft, survival, hunting and fishing, and just the true appreciation of the landscapes and wildlife we have left.

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