My ILs have two grandchildren, very similar in age, same sex.
They are heavily involved in the raising of my nibling: they are part of the childcare schedule and have been since birth due to no parental leave for the parents. Outside of the time he is looked after by them he is also very frequently with them because of the very close dynamic between his mum and them.

We live about an hour away; my son is not looked after by them and we do not do as much with them.

The problem is they ignore and overlook my son when he does see them (2 times a month min). Their preference for my nephew is so overt and it is hurtful to see my son become increasingly aware that they’re not invested or interested in him.

I am conflicted because I understand they are naturally more invested in a child they are a critical part of raising but I do wish they would show some more interest in my child.

What do I do about it? Is it a reasonable expectation that they would take the time they can with him to spend with him and not focus on the other child all the time?

I welcome any advice.

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