I 16f and my boyfriend 17m have started exploring the more physical side of our relationship recently. Our relationship is still on the new side, and I’m still a virgin. However, I’ve recently been debating whether or not I’d be willing to take the next step with my boyfriend in the near future.

On one hand I know that I’d really like to experience sex, but I also know there’s a chance I could regret it. My boyfriend is super sweet and amazing, and is great at respecting my boundaries. However, it’s very different loosing your virginity as a girl than it is loosing your virginity as a guy. I just worry that if me and my boyfriend don’t work out (which I know is probably likely since we’re in highscool), then I might feel dirty. I know that realistically virginity is just a social construct that’s meant to make women feel like shit for exploring their sexuality, but i admittedly still worry how I’ll view myself if i have sex. I feel like I very well might be fine emotionally after loosing my virginity, but I also just worry about the chance that I will regret it.

I hate that women are villainized for having sex with more than one parter (or having sex period), and in general find virginity to be a bit of a sexist concept to use against women (as mentioned above). But I also still don’t want to regret who I have sex with for the first time. I guess I’m just stuck in the middle of wanting to have my first time be super special, or just embracing having fun even if me and my boyfriend aren’t endgame if that makes sense. I just feel like right now if I have sex it will likely be more because I have raging hormones then it will be because of finding someone supper special to share that moment with —> not that I don’t think my boyfriend isnt special, I’m just not 100% how long we will last. But he’s very kind and respectful, so I don’t think I’d feel dirty or used by him even if we broke up.

Anywho, I’d love to hear people’s opinions and personal experiences/outlooks with losing their virginity.

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