I have noticed that I am not as observant, judgmental and critical of other people like my friends and family members. They will notice things about other people that I won’t. They will judge people based on their personality, actions and behaviors and sometimes I don’t do that. They will notice people’s personality flaws and sometimes I won’t. I don’t know why I’m not as observant, judgmental and critical of other people. I don’t know why sometimes I don’t notice things about other people. I don’t know what is wrong with me. I want to change this.

  1. Sometimes being not observant can be good, to protect oneself and their individuality. People who see and know everyone and have their minds in other peoples pockets seem to be more angry, stressed and in most cases follow the Follower.
    On the other hand being observant can be good to protect oneself and their individuality. You can see and sort out dangerous and Ill willed people in your life.
    So it’s a combination of both. To the critical and judgmental part. „Be tolerant with others and strict with yourself.“ marcus Aurelius.
    Which doesn’t mean you should let people fck you over, but it means that people around you will misbehave, they will act in ways you wouldn’t and you already know that so it doesn’t surprise you if it happens. So there is no point in being judgemental towards them, more so to be critical with yourself, and what you can learn from their failures and shortcomings.

  2. Well. Looking for red flags for one. For an example, watch their manners. What they talk about and how they talk about the subject. Best way to do that, personally, is when they talk. Ask questions. People typically have a general idea of making what they say on the surface level sound good. But get pressured into talking about things that might not sound as goos below the surface when you ask. And allow them to talk as much as they want to see what they say and what they do. This especially becomes a dead give away when you ask them to talk about their past. Particularly issues with others, and their perspective on it/how they talk about it. It’s a lot of nuance I think that comes from experience. I can give examples, but it’s really case by case imo. But be modest, make sure people have a lot of red flags before writing them off as troublesome.

    It is important to be open minded when talking with people it’s also important to be alert because there’s a lot of shitty people out there. And you don’t want to be the next guy on prorevenge or something because you dealt with a bad person you could’ve easily avoided.

  3. Those are three very different things. The last two are negative traits.

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