Remember to include the location if it’s not in your flair

  1. I’m from Iowa. You pretty much get a good taste of all the seasons. Winter gets down to 20 below and Summer can easily get past 100. Only real weather disasters we have are tornadoes. I’d give it a 8/10.

  2. Outside Houston in SE Texas.

    Summer – miserable. I don’t know how people lived here before a/c.
    Fall – still hot & humid but eventually some cool fronts come in
    Winter – comfortable. Sometimes the humidity is low and when your skin gets dry and your nose bleeds you realize you’re conditioned to live in a swamp. If it gets icy or snows we lock the city down.
    Spring – pretty comfortable. Had some tornados today and that sucked but after it was gone the day was beautiful. We have about 2 mos of switching a/c to heater back to a/c.

    I wouldn’t live anywhere else. I guess I’m just used to flat, swampy weather. 🐊

  3. It snowed today after being almost 60 a few days ago. I give this week a 0/10. Summer is great though. 6/10 because summer is too short.

  4. Imagine living with 5 women going through menopause who all turn the temp up and down based on their hot flashes all year round. 7/10 lol

  5. 4/10 because 40% of the time it’s great and 60% of the time it’s hot and so humid your skin is wet when you step outside (Fl)

  6. South of San Francisco

    About 7.5/10. My favorite bay weather is Sonoma and Oakland That 8/10

  7. Being from north texas, i personally love it every time it isn’t cold as balls, which is normally all but a few days a year. Solid good temps in spring/fall and I’m cold easily so I don’t mind the summer heat (tho shoutout to windows and air conditioning, which are everywhere)

    The weather itself is a solid 9/10 for me, docking a point for the small winter spats, stupid ass wind, and the fact that i hate driving in rain

  8. Probably like a 9/10. Can get hot in August and September. Mostly pleasant though.

  9. Pretty good. Only complaints are the few weeks in the summer when it hits triple digits and the few weeks when everything is on fire and the air quality goes to shit.

  10. From January to December:

    – FUCK it’s cold
    – Somehow it’s EVEN FUCKING COLDER
    – Starting to get less cold sometimes
    – Spring’s around the corner, but it could still be pretty cold
    – finally starting to warm up
    – sunny and 75 baby!
    – sunny and 95!
    – Sunny and 95, and so humid your skin sticks to your clothes
    – starting to finally cool down
    – getting a bit more mild, at least the bugs are gone
    – getting colder now
    – FUCK it’s cold

  11. 7/10 or so. The weather in SoCal then Florida was so monotonous to me, I missed seasons so much and that’s a big part of why I went back to Kansas. My only major complaint here is that the summers, while not as bad as Florida, are still quite humid.

  12. Pretty close to ideal. A year we get about 120% of normal precipitation would be about perfect for me.

  13. Pretty mild and pleasant all year round here in San Diego. We’re so spoiled that we think 60 degrees F is chilly, lol! No real complaints, I’ll say 9/10.

  14. South Carolina.

    Winters are wildly unpredictable. They tend to be pretty mild, but it also might snow for a day or two. Just a couple weeks ago it was hot enough for shorts at the beginning of the week, then at the end of the week it froze .

    Spring will be hot, but not obnoxiously so.

    Summer is utter misery. 90 plus degree days aren’t unusual. Nor are 80 degree nights. And it’s humid, so you can sweat just standing there.

    Fall is actually pretty nice here. It’s most people’s favorite season. You can go outside without feeling like you’re going to die.

  15. Pretty chilly winters followed by fuck off levels of heat followed by pretty chilly winters

    Our springs/falls last about a week and a half if you’re lucky

  16. Personally I would give it an 7 out of 10. You can’t beat the winters, but the summers are something else.

  17. It’s all right. I do enjoy the dry summers, don’t care much for the temps though. The cold dry winters I don’t care for. I don’t like that we have a long tornado season in the spring and I hate when it rains it’s damn near always a downpour that comes in waves over days. Although, I will say I like it over it raining everyday and the every few year cool to mild summer like where I grew up in Virginia. I certainly can’t complain about the humidity cause it’s not as bad as it was in Virginia.

  18. Absolutely godawful. Today we had a lightning storm, extreme hail, extreme rain, and snow all within a few hours.

  19. Schizophrenic. Spring and fall especially like to bounce between unseasonably hot and unseasonably cold, lately.

  20. I’d say maybe a 7/10? I love the dryness. It makes every temperature much more bearable.

    However, I hate snow, which is ironic considering my flair. The whole winter experience brings it down to the 7. That and the wildfire smoke in the summer.

  21. Whatever weather you think is impossible? We get it. Snow in summer? At least once. Rain either once a year or the entire summer? Yes sir. Blistering heat and then almost subzero temperatures in winter? Yeah, we got it. We get ALL the weather.

  22. Maine.

    It is:

    Glorious summer – June through August

    Incredible fall – September through November

    Beautiful winter, look at this winter wonderland – December and January

    Fuck winter – February to March

    Mud season, suicide risk severe fuck everything – March and April

    Oh shit is this actually spring? – April to June

  23. I live in SoCal, so the weather is one of the few things people **DON’T** complain about in this state! lol

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