When did you know it was time to end a relationship that on the surface was pretty good?

  1. A) She was very shitty to her friends and people close to her. B) I didn’t love her. C) Was only with her bc the sex was great.

  2. When our future goals/ambitions didn’t align, and never would, and we were both keeping our heads in the sand about it because we loved each other.

    She was incredibly career aspirational and I wanted a settled family lifestyle.

  3. We were both each other’s rebounds and there was a pretty big age difference (her 21, me 30, though starting the relationship was her idea)

    We were also in different places in life. We actually broke up BEFORE we had sex, then became friends with benefits for a couple weeks, then just…..stopped talking.

    Nothing was wrong, but we both had a conversation where we didn’t see things going anywhere.

  4. This was about 17 years ago but, we lived 100s of miles apart, the distance became repressive for both of us and eventually we decided it was best.

  5. When I realized I would never be into her as much as she is into me. Because after a year of dating, liking her was all I could do, I never started living her unfortunately

  6. When I started to not look forward to spending time with her. I used to be excited to see her and spend time with her and eventually I’d start thinking to myself “ugh, it’s the weekend, time to see xyz, I’d rather just chill by myself.”

    And around the same time I noticed a difference in how I looked at and thought about other women. You’ll always find other people attractive, your girl will find other people attractive too, it’s normal. If you’re with someone you are happy being monogamous with then it’ll be more of “that person is attractive.. damn my girl is hot I can’t wait to get back to our place.” For me it was truly wandering eyes and I would see other people and get disappointed when I thought about being with my partner. It wasn’t just physical, there’s a lot of emotion tied in with that as well.

  7. When her mental problems became so big that there was no room for mine anymore.
    Seriously, it’ hard when two depressive people date..

    And when she tells you that you cant visit your lifelong best friend alone without her. Like wtf

  8. When you start getting annoyed by everything she does or when you find yourself not wanting to be around her

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