Or would you agree that getting to know someone would require willingness to pursue some deep digging questions, from both parties. I ask this because every now & then i’ll come across someone who seems (to me) to be very stand offish in this regard, and I really feel like I keep it simple lol.

“Why do you think it makes you feel that?”

“Maybe it could be because of _____”

“Sounds like maybe _____”

Are generally things i’d ask or might say, who’s wrong here? I converse in good faith it’s never meant to be contentious.

  1. It depends what your goal is with psychoanalysis. You can use it to achieve a better understanding of a person you’re interested in, for example, which is a good thing imo.

  2. I personally think that “maybe that is because…” especially in the early stages, can be patronising.. to imply you know them before you have gotten to know them. Also, some people don’t like hearing opinions or advice that they haven’t directly asked for.

    Otherwise, I don’t think the deep and meaningful questions is a bad thing.

  3. I’m F and I’m the same way. I enjoy when guys do that because it shows a genuine desire to understand you and an interest in discussing the psychological side of people. It’s intense for some, I know, but people are naturally curious & interesting creatures.

  4. The bit where you offer your opinion sounds unsolicited. The only opinion I want without asking for it is the professional one I pay for aka my therapist.

  5. Pseudo-psychological you can take a stab at it but you’re not a swordsman.

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