To put this out there sooner rather than later: we are in a polygamous relationship. But with agreements, and “rules”, of course.

The very basic rule is that I need to be told when this is starting to happen with another woman. She also needs to be told about me and fully informed of our situation.

When I first got pregnant we did agree that he wouldn’t be looking, or entertaining women. He said he wouldn’t want to do that right now; that he wanted to give me his full attention during this time of pregnancy and for some time after to give the attention towards our family.

During our relationship he hasn’t ventured off and tried anything, figured this piece of information should be said.

So, I consider this cheating because I wasn’t told about the situation and he confirmed neither was she.

During our relationship he wanted me to quit my job, and start getting used to being at home and having him take care of me financially. I agreed. We also knew that we would like to start trying for a baby soon.

Once I found out about this other woman he wanted to throw it out there that he is polygamous and he’s not just a one woman kind of man. I don’t think that excuse is plausible considering our rule of everything being put out there so I’m aware of what’s going on.

I disregarded the fact that he said he wouldn’t be looking during pregnancy and some time after, and just focusing on our main rule.

Am I in the wrong? Should I not be considering this cheating? Just not sure where to go or what to do. I’m currently staying at a motel for the couple of days I could afford myself and trying to figure some things out. Just started looking for a job that I could have for a few months before I’m no longer able to work. Just not sure where to go from here and what I should be thinking of the whole situation.

TLDR; I’m in a polygamous relationship and 6 months pregnant, without a job and currently staying at a motel for what I can afford until i can. My boyfriend cheated on me by not telling me what he was up to and tried to throw it in my face that we are, in fact, in a polygamous relationship.

Edit: This is a one-sided poly relationship.

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