My best friend just blindsided me last night reading me a letter that she did not want to be in my life. About 5 months ago, my friend who is close with my husband has a pretty bad argument while my husband was having some bad mental health issues. During this time he was also pretty awful to me. I had confided in her and she was also upset with him. Since then he has apologies to us both, has been going to therapy, and trying to get in with a psychiatrist to get medication. My friend and husband had been texting and working through it. We were all making plans and things were seeming normal. Things with my husband and I are improving as well and their texts indicate things were okay now between them too. Last night I go to get coffee with her and she reads me a letter saying how she can’t see me in this relationship and no longer can hangout with me and doesn’t want to be in my life. She tells me how much this kills her and how much she cares about me but completely discards me. She also has been dealing with her own anxiety and depression. What do I do? I am angry and completely sad and feel heartbroken. I don’t want to reach out because I was blindsided and I don’t want to get shot down but I feel so confused. Please help.

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