
I have been taking care of my husband since when I was 16 years old and he is 5 years older than me. We were in a long distance relationship, I live in Canada and he had visa to the USA. We would meet in the state and I’d send him money whenever he needs with my little bakery job.in 2017 we got married and In 2018, he could not renew his visa so he went to live in Dominican Republic, so rent was on me food was on me and everything, I continue to take care of him for 5 more years. Last year, I finally sponsored him and I understand that’s he’s new and it’s not easy to get a job. We were sharing a house with some roommates and he said he’s not comfortable. Honestly, I just couldn’t pay rent in Toronto but he’s insisting that we move out so I look for another place that he wanted and it was 3 times the amount that I used to pay 2100. I do Uber and work but the money still can’t meet ends. I will wake up early to work then right after work I’ll go do Uber and when I come back he’s still watching soccer in the bed and think it’s ok to be in bed while I’m outside struggling. When I come come he expect me to bring something or come cook. I asked him to look for a job he said it’s not easy and I know that but now he changed his mind to go to school and do Uber too. I told him since u wanna do Uber drive so let’s train with me while I’m doing Uber eat. This guy will waste all the fuel cause he’s not following the gps as he should and when I try to tell him what to do he gets mad and tells me he doesn’t want me to be in the car when he’s doing it. So I let him go alone. I put 60 dollars gas, he finished all the fuel and make only 20 bucks🥺, the same things keeps on happening but he keeps saying that’s the income he will bring to pay the house and I don’t know why he insists that he does not want to work for people he just wants to do Uber.

I’ve noticed that I don’t sleep at night I keep thinking and food became my comfort. I keep gaining weight. I will come at 1 am but stay awake until 6 am then wake up at 9 am to go to work and I’ve been looking so bad.
My whole family is against my relationship and his family don’t really care about our marriage. I’m thinking the only solution is to suicide since I don’t really think anyone would want me the way I am looking fat and unkempt. I really wish my life was different 🥹

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