My bf and i have been together for 4 years now and we have had some issues in the past and broke up once because he cheated on me but we got back together because we truly wanted to be together and I thought we would stay together for a long time. But recently, I have been having doubts. It just feels like there’s something missing. It’s like I can’t imagine ending our relationship but i have a hard time seeing a future with him. it’s sometimes hard to imagine him and i having a family together. Do i stay in the moment because i feel safe or do we break up because i don’t feel 100% committed to a long term/ forever relationship with him. he’s my 1st serious relationship i’ve had as well so idk if this is normal to feel. So should i stay and see if things get better or leave? Also is it pretty rare to marry your first love? Do i need to experience multiple loves to know what i truly want ?

TL;DR: I(20F) feel like i can’t see a future with my bf (22M) and like something is missing

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