Women of Reddit, what is one thing you take great pride in?

  1. My home. I like to make it clean, comfy and me so everyone in my life feels comfortable and cozy.

  2. my resilience and perseverance, life just throws continuous shit sandwiches at you as a woman you have to be mentally strong to survive it

  3. My home. I’ve turned it into my sanctuary for me and my plants and I love my big master bedroom and bath. I paid it off in 8 years and am super stoked about that. 

  4. That I’m not a parent yet!! Or could avoid it this long.. I’m scared of being a parent..or just the idea of giving birth.. it’s horrible

  5. Being able to enjoy my own company in public settings. On a silly note, wearing different colorful/kooky earrings everyday of my existence!

  6. How I work on myself (self-work/improvement) and how I never give up on what I set my mind onto.

  7. My kids.

    They are respectful, caring, and show empathy appropriately.

    Also, they’re so so good at sports. As an athlete, this makes me so grateful and proud.

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