How do I tell if People actually want me around and aren’t just not saying anything out of courtesy. Google just says ask them but I feel that would worsen the matter. I’m part of a friend group and I think I’m pretty close with all of them but with those sort of situations people don’t want to be rude and just tolerate you. There has been some evidence to back my worries like if we play video games together I’m not really invited unless I see them online and request to join the party or I start the party myself, they say that there’s no point in texting me because I’m usually online anyways so I didn’t think much of it but if I miss like the first 15mins of the party they just ignore my requests. I know this is a pretty big red flag but I just want some help with ways of knowing if I’m wanted and how to improve myself to be less annoying if I’m not. 👍🏻thanks guys (15m)

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