I (F21) broke up with my boyfriend (M22) of 2 years a few hours ago and it’s so hard. He lost his close relative recently and it was very hard on him, so I took the responsibility to take care of him such as cooking and cleaning. But I became very emotionally drained and deprived of attention. We broke up because we both wanted time and space apart to find and improve ourselves. He told me that once he does so, he will come find me. Reading that text destroyed me because I don’t want things to end, but I know it’s the best way for us to grow. I feel like this is a situation of “right person, wrong time”.

Have you guys ever been through this? And if so, how did you cope and did you ever get back together with your ex?

TL;DR: Broke up with boyfriend because we both needed to grow. We still love each other. Need help with coping.

1 comment
  1. Take excellent care of yourself during this time. Journaling your feelings can help you get perspective. Start thinking about personal goals. What do you want for yourself next week, next month and 3 months from now.


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