I’ll get it straight: I’m really shy. That means it’s nearly impossible for me to start a dialogue or do anything that involves making other people look at me. I have a few people I talk to freely without and problems, but as soon as unknown person (maybe their friend or relative) appears, I just “hide” trying to attract as least attention as possible. And sometimes this makes me feel sad as I want to chat, play games, spend time etc with someone, but I just can’t. I already know some people with same interests or character, but I have never talked to them. And I have literally no idea how to solve my problem. Maybe some of you guys had something similar? Maybe you can recommend me something to start with so I don’t die of shyness?

1 comment
  1. Well first off, I’ll be your friend! Message me on Discord “@Crucial#7056“ 😀
    Second off, Try to at least talk to someone that your not that familiar with at first maybe every 2 weeks, and slowly build up, this will help you being able to talk to people easier and grow your confidence, I’ve seen so many people talk about this certain trick that I’ll tell you right now, whenever you’re at a store buying something, compliment the cashier, if they take it well great! If not you can just leave because you’re done with your shopping.

    If you need any clarification with anything hmu

    I hope this helped <3

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