Apologies ahead of time for the rant, just needed a way to try and vent my feelings. Im (m26) just so tired and dejected of dating and having no luck whatsoever. While many people will think I’m young and yet to find ‘the one’ I just don’t see it happening. Live isn’t a fairy tale. No matter how many dates I go on, no matter how well they seem to go, I find no one is ever really interested in me. Even dates which last for hours and we agree to 2nd dates, it always ends with rejection/ghosting afterwards. I’ve only ever had one girlfriend but she was so distant it barely seemed like a relationship despite how hard I tried to fix that. Ultimately it failed.

Until recently, I’ve been taking a break from dating for this reason However, I’ve just gotten back from a date tonight, with a woman (24) which has been a real put down. Since matching on a dating app, we have been messaging and then texting repeatably for days, leading up to our date. Both showing lots of enthusiasm and interest. The date itself seemed good as well, chatted for ages, shared personal stories, held hands, hugged, kissed on the cheek. The only sign was she didn’t want to kiss properly given her recent very serious relationship which ended. But given the details it felt very genuine (but on reflection you never know).

She sent me a text once back home thanking me for a lovely evening with two kisses, which admittedly I asked her to do, to which I replied in equal measure and asking for a second date. And for the first time in a long time, I thought this might actually lead to something because it felt far more positive than previous times. However, suddenly my message receipts turned grey from blue as I’ve obviously been deleted from her contacts. I’ve had no response, and she’s unmatched with me on the dating app. By pure coincidence I also noticed her profile pop up on another dating app saying ‘new’. So clearly I won’t be hearing anything back.

Honestly, the constant rejection or straight up ghosting when trying to date is painful. As if, not only are women completely uninterested in me, but I’m not even worthy of being told. After taking a break and focusing on myself, all progress has been wiped out in one evening. I went into dating this time with a better mindset, keep calm and expect some failure, you’re always going to experience setback on the way. But that’s already gone out the window and I’m tempted to throw in the towel again for a while. Besides, I feel dating with this current mindset isn’t a good idea, I need to keep working on myself.

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